Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Deer @ Great Falls NP Maryland July 16, 2008

I went to Great Falls (MD) tonight. I considered going to a few places, including Belle Haven marina for the Osprey, and Centennial Lake in Columbia MD for the herons and the possible eagle, and even Mason Neck in VA which would have wound up being just for an hour or so but likely would have had eagles *around*, but I went to Great Falls instead.

Deer @ Great Falls NP Maryland - (plus Eagle News 07/16/2008)

There were two pairs of fauns I saw. One pair was on the inland side of the C&O right near the path to the main falls overlook on the MD side.



The other pair was along the path itself to the main overlook. All four were just grazing and kept a watchful eye but weren't too skittish.



When I first got there I went to check on the eagle's nest and the eagles. The last time I visited there was apparent damage to the nest, and it looked like lightning may have struck the nest tree, and there was a very large limb just under and above the nest missing. I wondered if the young eagle was impacted, and wondered if he was ok.

Great Falls Eagle's Nest - Damage - 6/29/2008

Well, tonight my fears evaporated. While I didn't actually see any of the eagle while I was there, I could hear them! As I walked along the trail next to the river, I passed a few guys fishing. I made my way to the spot across from the nest, and for a moment thought there was a mature eagle in the nest, but there wasn't, it was just some bark that reflected a patch of light. Then I walked farther up river and I could hear the young eagle, calling out like a crying kid. Then a bit later I know I heard the strong call of an adult, sort of the classic bald eagle call (yup, yup, yup, de de do do do). And of course the young eagle cried/called some more. So I knew they were ok, at least two of them.

When I got home I check a handful of the images of the island and spots I know they perch (adults) and where I thought I heard the youngster calling from. At the time I couldn't see any thing. The island is back lit in the evening, and the glare off the water was strong too. But when I got home, I found an image with one adult for sure, and maybe a second adult (slightly lower and the left of the more visible one).


The Falls tonight

A blurry heron over the falls

Oh! And as I was leaving I saw a fox for the second time this summer in this spot. Last time I got no shot, but this time I got a dark and blur filled photo at ISO 1600 that is merely proof that I saw a fox.... The fox was just north of the spot you pay the entrance fee at Great Falls MD. (right side of the road as you enter)


I got a handful of fox images a couple of years ago, and this one was my favorite. (you may have seen it in a calendar...)

Close Encounter of the Red Fox Kind - Great Falls Maryland [1] 2




Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a great capture! BTW, how did you get Google to put you on their Alert email?

Nikographer said...

for the people - I'm not sure what you mean about the Alert email...

I've got my own alerts for a handful of things, key words...

I'm guessing you have some key word alerts setup for something, eagle, or deer, or one of the words in my post. Unless you're talking about something different. -Jon