Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Year 5 Day 2 - Learning

I think I am going to take the month of September 2009 off from posting to flickr. I love flickr and all the great feedback, encouragement, and other inspiring photographer to feed off of. But after 4 years I need take a little step back so I can take a leap forward.

Polar Bear @ MD Zoo

Read on.

Due to a number of factors, I've been spending less and less time actively on flickr (ie during the day, etc). I've still been posting things most days, clicking around my contacts and such, but not like a couple years ago.

And now, I need to take a little more of a step away from it all.

Full Flap Landing

I've got a couple of projects already lined up that I need to spend time on (images for Getty, a contest, and a nature center that requested some photos for displays).

And I need to plan some trips to old and new places for the Fall, and I want to make the best use of the time, not just taking the same approach and wondering why my new images are similar to the old ones...
Fall's Gold

I may take an online class from or attend a seminar or something like that. And I also just remembered that two of the camera clubs I frequent are starting up again this month. These two mostly follow the school schedule of the area and don't meet at all in the summer months.

So, stay tuned for more blogging, but not too much on flickr for a bit.


Fall Eagle
